Past Champions


Past National Champions


Year Boat name Skipper Crew State
2020-21 Bullet T Johnston P Duell VIC
2019-20 Shmoken H Allison S Hooper TAS
2018-19 Shmoken H Allison J Gough TAS
2017-18 Endless Summer B Gaffney A Gaffney SA
2016-17 Impulse W Cooper H Allison TAS
2015-16 Samaran J Sasson M Suda VIC
2014-15 Samaran J Sasson M Suda VIC
2013-14 Checkmate T Alexander S Alexander VIC
2012-13 Phoenix S Tiederman H Allison TAS
2011-12 Impulse S Bailey H Chadwick TAS
2010-11 Sea-Ya S Keen O Mitton SA
2009-10 Impulse A Bailey S Bailey TAS
2008-09 Drop Bears L Noye O Burnell TAS
2007-08 Stolen Pig D Shephard J Brown TAS
2006-07 Sure Thing T Kelly T Witty VIC
2005-06 Capricious L Shephard S Chesterman TAS
2004-05 The Saint C Martin J Mackinnon SA
2003-04 Pour Quoi P Hutton M Sorrel-Saunders TAS
2002-03 The Saint C Martin J Mackinnon SA
2001-02 Pelorus F Paterson M McCure TAS
2000-01 Pour Quoi L Hutton P Hutton TAS
1999-00 Triad S Wells P Hutton TAS
1998-99 Brass Monkey J O’Reilly D Copson TAS
1997-98 Pelorus J Chung Gon M Jeffrey TAS
1996-97 5760 T Davis T Bucek VIC
1995-96 5760 T Davis T Bucek VIC
1994-95 Pelorus C Piggott L Hutton TAS
1993-94 Sidewinder D Suda S Anderson VIC
1992-93 Sandy Boys D Morrison S Anderson VIC
1991-92 Encounter G Allen L Matthews VIC
1990-91 Sidewinder A Morrison D Suda VIC
1989-90 Honky Tonk Woman J Farnell T Davis VIC
1988-89 Anaconda J Aikhair D Irvin VIC
1987-88 Magic Mayo L Larson R Grieve VIC
1986-87 Pelorus P Burnell R Menadue TAS
1985-86 Pelorus P Burnell N Behrens TAS
1984-85 Consecutive P Layton N Brown VIC
1983-84 Red Baron D Bank M Farrington TAS
1982-83 Aqua Bundy M Rofe M Forstner TAS
1981-82 Aquila S Anderson F Reynolds TAS
1980-81 Capricious J Freeman P Layton NSW
1979-80 Manxman B Nettlefold M cook VIC
1978-79 Red Baron D Rees G Maddock TAS
1977-78 Red Baron D Rees G Maddock TAS
1976-77 Joy-Vee M Wenke T Dow VIC
1975-76 Anaconda A Bucek S Bucek VIC
1974-75 Grasshopper M Anderson R Oldmeadow TAS
1973-74 Anaconda F Bucek A Bucek VIC
1972-73 Tsunami H Ottaway T Ottaway VIC
1971-72 Solano A Blakney A Endersbee TAS
1970-71 Fascination C Tillett D Tillett SA
1969-70 Fascination C Tillett D Tillett SA
1968-69 Fascination C Tillett D Tillett SA
1967-68 Flica J Muirhead A Muirhead SA
1966-67 Talisman C Willing G Shipp TAS
1965-66 May Queen D Edwards R Hodgekinson VIC
1964-65 Mite P Mitchell P Mitchell SA
1963-64 May Queen C Anderson D Edwards VIC
1962-63 Gemini II K Gleeson J Gleeson SA